Gábor Kozák

Education and training:


2014-present: Physicist, MTA-SZTE ‘Lendület’ Oscillatory Neuronal Network Research Group at University of Szeged, Department of Physiology, Hungary

2011-present: Student – Master’s in Physics, at Faculty of Science and Informatics, University of Szeged, Hungary

2008-present: Medical student at University of Szeged, Faculty Medicine, Hungary

2007-2010: Bachelor Degree (graded excellent), the professional qualification of Physicist at Faculty of Science and Informatics, University of Szeged, Hungary





T. Szabó, G. Bencsik, M. Magyar, Cs. Visy, Z. Gingl, K. Nagy, Gy. Váró, K. Hajdu, G. Kozák and L. Nagy (2013) Photosynthetic reaction centers/ITO hybrid nanostructure, Materials Science and Engineering: C, Volume 33, Issue 2, 1 March 2013, Pages 769-773




Conference abstracts in referred journals:


T. Szabo, G. Bencsik, G. Kozak, Cs. Visy, Z. Gingl, K. Hernadi, K. Nagy, Gy. Varo and L. Nagy (2011) Interaction between photosynthetic reaction centers and ITO, Eur Biophys J., 40 (Suppl 1):S35–S241, P-532




Conference posters:

European Biophysics Congress,Budapest 23-27 August, 2011

Interaction between photosynthetic reaction centers and ITO

T. Szabo, G. Bencsik, G. Kozak, Cs. Visy, Z. Gingl, K. Hernadi, K. Nagy, Gy. Varo and L. Nagy


Shanghai, China, May 20-23, 2013, ISCBFM 2013

The impact of aging on peri-infarct depolarizations induced by focal cerebral ischemia in the rat brain

A. Institoris, D. Clark, G. Kozák, Z. Bere, E. Farkas, U.I. Tuor, F. Bari


XIth Symposium of Hungarian Stroke Society, Nyíregyháza September 5-7, 2013

Az agykérgi mikrocirkulációs sebességprofilok változása multifokális kísérletes iszkémiában

László Anna, Kozák Gábor, Institoris Ádám, Farkas Eszter, Bari Ferenc





Scholarship of the Hungary Republic (2012-2013, 2013-2014)

Eötvös Fellowship (2013)